An Effective Solution for Chronic Acid Reflux
The transoral incisionless fundoplication is a minimally invasive treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that is performed in the outpatient setting. The TIF procedure is performed from inside the patient’s stomach without incisions. This procedure delivers patient outcomes similar to those provided by conventional ARS procedures, but is less invasive, has fewer adverse effects, and does not limit future treatment options. Following the principles of ARS, the TIF procedure repairs the anti-reflux barrier by reducing a hiatal hernia (≤ 2 cm), and creating a valve 2 to 4 cm in length and greater than 270 degree circumferential wrap, thus restoring the dynamics of the angle of His. |
A Less Invasive Approach to Fundoplication
Fundoplication procedures have been used to effectively treat patients with GERD for over 50 years. The TIF procedure differs from a traditional fundoplication procedure because it is performed through the mouth rather than through laparoscopy or open abdominal incisions. During a TIF procedure, the patient is placed under general anesthesia so that the EsophyX device, used with a flexible endoscope, can be gently introduced into the stomach under constant visualization. The endoscope and the device are retroflexed and a helical retractor is engaged into the tissue slightly distal to the Z line. The fundus of the stomach is folded up and around the distal esophagus utilizing the tissue mold and chassis of the device. After locking all the tissue manipulating elements, an integrated suction apparatus is activated to gently grasp the distal esophagus and position it in the abdominal cavity distal to the diaphragm. H-shaped SerosaFuse fasteners, made of polypropylene with strength equivalent to 3-0 sutures, are then delivered through apposed layers of esophageal and fundus tissue to anchor the repair. This process is repeated to create a full thickness, partial circumference, gastroesophageal fundoplication. Approximately 20 fasteners are implanted during the procedure to create fusion of the esophageal and fundus tissues and form the valve. More Information Source: Endogastric Solutions |